

Training for shipping companies
Introduction: Introduction of the trainer (professional experience), then presentation of the trainees, identification of the group's level of knowledge and the expectations of each trainee, and presentation of the teaching method adapted to the context of the session by the trainer. The trainer then presents the training objectives and the following program:
  • Module A - General overview of maritime security risks (Duration: 25 min)
    • A1 - Worldwide risk mapping (duration: 15 min)
    • A2 - Worldwide risk statistics (duration: 10 min)
  • Module B - Preparing ship and crew security for the risks posed by stowaways, migrants and environmental NGOs (duration: 3 h 30)
    • B1 - Stowaways (duration: 1h15)
      • Regulatory texts. (Length: 10 min)
      • Measures to be put in place to prevent this risk and the search of the ship (Duration: 35 min)
      • What to do if stowaways are discovered (duration: 30 min).
    • B2 - Migrants (Length: 1h15)
      • Regulations (Length: 10 min)
      • Organization, risks and actions to be taken when picking up migrants at sea (Length: 35 min)
      • What to do with migrants on board (duration: 30 min)
    • B3 - Environmental NGOs (Duration: 1h)
      • Generalities and principles. (Length: 15 min)
      • Mode of action. (Duration: 25 min)
      • Measures to be implemented. (Duration: 20 min)
  • Module C - Bomb alert (Duration: 1h)
    • What to do in the event of a bomb threat or discovery of a suspicious object. (Duration: 15 min)
    • At dockside (duration: 15 min)
    • At anchor (duration: 15 min)
    • Underway (duration: 15 min)
  • Module D - Ship security preparation before deployment in a "Piracy" risk zone (Duration: 2h25)
    • D1 - Upstream (15 days/ 1 month). (Duration: 1h15)
    • D2 - 48h before deployment. (Duration: 15 min)
    • D3 - Immediately after fitting (Duration: 15 min)
    • D4 - Role and relations with state maritime safety organizations (MICA center - MDAT COG RMIFC Mada - ReCAAP, UKMTO and others...) and the VRA volontary reporting area (Duration: 40 min)
  • Module E - Navigation in high-risk areas (HRA) - (Duration: 2h)
    • E1 - Watch and reaction in the event of a suspected approach by an unknown craft or vessel (Duration: 45 min)
    • E2 - Citadel procedure. (Duration: 45 min)
    • E3 - Conduct in the citadel. (Duration: 30 min)
  • Module F - Kidnapping (Length: 4h40)
    • F 1 - Kidnapping in general. (Length: 20 min)
    • F 2 - Kidnapping as seen by hostages. (Length: 1h15)
    • F 3 - Kidnapping as seen by management. (Length: 50 min)
    • F 4 - Behind the scenes of the kidnapping. (Length: 2h15)
      • Principles. (Length: 15 min)
      • Family management. (Duration: 30 min)
      • Communication. (Length: 20 min)
      • Exchange (duration: 30 min)
      • Return (duration: 20 min)
      • Costs. (Length: 20 min)
  • Module G - Crisis management (Duration: 12h)
    • G1 - Crisis units. (Duration: 4h)
      • Corporate Crisis Management Team. (Duration: 2h)
      • Crisis local team. (Duration: 2h)
    • G2 - Crisis management, concrete case of a kidnapping. (Duration: 8h)

Conclusion: Questions/answers, consolidation and evaluation of acquired knowledge, assessment and evaluation of training. (Duration: 1 hour)


To ensure the effectiveness of this training course, trainees must be familiar with the conditions governing this training session, as defined in this training description and in the Trainee's Welcome Booklet, prior to the start of the course (terms and conditions, applicable hygiene rules, disciplinary rules and applicable sanctions, etc.).
  • 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) (
  • Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, and Arabian Sea (BMP5, June 2018).
  • Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security off the coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea (BMP West Africa, March 2020).
  • A 867 20 ( Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL) (
  • IMO Resolution A.1027(26) Adopted on 2 December 2009.
  • IMO resolution A.871(20) adopted on 1997 - "Guidelines on the Allocation of Responsibilities to seek the Successful Resolution of Stowaway Cases".
  • Stowaways Aide-mémoire (
  • IMO Resolution MSC.312(88) Annex 6 (adopted on 2 December 2010).
  • IMO Rescue at sea adopted in May 2004.
  • Customer responsibility
    • List and convocation of trainees.
    • Room adapted to the number of trainees.

  • SURTYMAR's responsibility:
    • Video projector and computer.
    • Projection media (PC) and materials for any exercises.
    • Forms: Attendance sheets.

On quotation.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


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