

Training for individuals, ports and port facilities
Introduction: General aim of the awareness program
Face-to-face: Introduction of trainer and trainees.
Distanciel: According to Surtymar practices.
  • Module A - Presentation - Reminder of objectives (duration: 30 min)

  • Module B - Safety and Security Vocabulary (duration: 30 min)

  • Module C - International mobility (duration: 2h30)
    • C1 - Preparing your trip
      • Luggage.
      • Vaccinations.
      • Visa requirements.
      • Itinerary, stopovers.
      • Contacts on arrival, colleagues, company, embassy, health service.
      • Communication.
    • C2 - During the trip
    • C3 - Arrival in destination country
      • Without reception protocol.
      • With welcome protocol.
      • Stay in hotel.

  • Module D - Threats - Risks (duration: 2h00)
    • D1 - Catalogue of threats and risks
      • Health risks (list - details).
      • Security risks (list - most frequent modes of action).
      • Risk levels and associated preventive safety measures.
    • D2 - Situations of vulnerability

  • Module E - General behavior (duration: 2h00)
    • E1 - General rules - habits and customs - low profile.
    • E2 - Getting around on foot.
    • E3 - Vehicle movements.
    • E4 - Taking photographs.
    • E5 - Payments, transactions, cash withdrawals (case study).
    • E6 - Driving a vehicle.
    • E7 - Movement with or without armed escort.
    • E8 - Social networking.

  • Module F - Handling the following emergency situations (duration: 2h00)
    • F1 - Assault (case study).
    • F2 - Fraud.
    • F3 - Sensation or assurance of being followed.
    • F4 - Attempted or actual kidnapping.
    • F5 - Confrontation with unarmed or armed criminal (concrete case).
    • F6 - Road accident.
    • F7 - Demonstrations.
    • F8 - Passage through a Government Security Forces checkpoint (concrete case).
    • F9 - Car jacking (specific case).
    • F10 - Attempted bribery or extortion.
    • F11 - False accusations - rumors.
    • F12 - How and to whom to communicate in an emergency.

  • Module G - Managing domestic staff (Chauffeur, Nanny...)(duration: 1h30)
    • G1 - Employment contract.
    • G2 - Confidentiality.
    • G3 - Trust, relationships.

  • Module H - Protecting your home (duration: 1h30)
    • H1 - How to secure your home (case study).
    • H2 - The safe room.
    • H3 - Getting to know your neighborhood and the places you need to be.

  • Module I - Confidentiality, protection and sharing of information (duration: 1h00)
    • I1 - During the trip.
    • I2 - At the residence, hotel.
    • I3 - At work sites.
    • I4 - Collecting and sharing information.

  • Module J - Role of diplomatic authorities, embassy - consulate (duration: 2h00)
    • J1 - Diplomatic and consular services - Consular map.
    • J2 - Ariadne's thread.
    • J3 -RESEVAC Islanding.
    • J4 - Travel advice.

  • Module K - Evacuation (duration: 2h00)
    • K1 - Preparing for an evacuation (1st emergency bag, necessary documents, vital stocks, etc.).
    • K2 - Grouping and evacuation points.
    • K3 - Evacuation procedures.

  • Module L - First aid techniques (duration: 4min)
    • L1 - Delivered by a first aid instructor (theory - practice).

  • Module M - Effects of explosive weapons, mines and IEDs (3min)
    • M1 -The different weapons, ammunition and explosives.
    • M2 - Effects of weapons, explosives and mines.
    • M3 - How to protect yourself (case study).

  • Module N - Hostage-taking (Duration: 1h30)
    • N1 - Procedure.
    • N2 - Dealing with hostage-takers.

  • Module O - Scenario exercise (5min)
    • O1 - Theme: Scenario (7 concrete cases or themes adapted to customer needs).

Conclusion : (Duration 1h00)

Questions/answers, consolidation and evaluation of acquired knowledge -Quality approach


To ensure the effectiveness of this training course, trainees must be familiar with the conditions for carrying out the program, as defined in this description and in the Trainee's Welcome Booklet, prior to the start of the course (conditions for carrying out the program, applicable hygiene rules, disciplinary rules and applicable sanctions, etc.).
  • Country files published by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs or security monitoring agencies.
  • Guide for expatriates.
  • Preventive measures put in place by the group, company or institution to which you belong.
  • Restrictive measures imposed by employers, local and/or consular authorities.

Customer's responsibility if training is organized on the customer's premises:

  • Screen for projection.
  • List and convocation of trainees.
  • Room adapted to the number of trainees.

Surtymar Agency's responsibility:

  • Video projector and computer.
  • Forms: attendance sheets.

On quotation.



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